Do you ever wish you could make more of an impact? Add more to the family income? Take that dream vacation? Have a debt free Christmas? Lead other women? Give more? Invest in others? Leave a legacy? Or get that great pair of boots at the mall?
What if I told you I know of a place, an industry, that can offer all of this and more? A place where business and ministry coexist. A place where your work and faith are all blended together. No more compartmentalizing. No glass ceilings, no set hours, no boss?
What if told you that there is a place that one thing can lead to another and your world, your sphere of influence, your financial freedom could grow before you very eyes?
What if you could start a…
- Chain reaction-a sequence of reactions that lead to additional reactions.
- A Snowball effect-a process that starts small and builds upon itself and becomes larger.
- A Butterfly effect-a small change that can result in large differences later.
- A domino effect-the cumulative effect produced when one event sets off similar events.
The Direct Selling industry is absolutely fascinating. Never before have I experienced anything so catalytic. A place where one thing leads to another and another and another.
I like to think of it as a domino effect. Do you remember as a kid creating a design with your dominos standing tall on their ends? And then once you placed the last domino in the line, you gently tap the lead domino and watch as one domino ignites the next and the next and the next.
When you make the decision to join Mary & Martha, one thing will lead to the next and you will be amazed at the domino effect in your business and ministry.
And November is the time when the most dominos are lined up and the best time for you to push the first domino (purchase a kit) and start your own domino effect.
More people are looking to purchase, and not just purchase, but purchase gifts with meaning.
So you will get more parties and if you get more parties, you?ll get more sales and if you get more sales you?ll earn more money.
More women are looking to earn extra income, and not just extra money, but a place to make a difference.
So you will be able to build a team, and if you build a team you will have more influence, and you will earn more money. And this is the month that Mary & Martha starts adding up points so that our Consultants can earn a free vacation! So if you have more sales and you build a team, you will earn more points, and when you add enough points you will have a free vacation.
And if you earn a free vacation, others will want to know how you did it, and when you tell them how you did it, they will want to join you?
Well you get the picture.
So join me on the possibilities call and find out about the lead domino!
Mary & Martha Possibilities Call
Monday November 17, 2014
8:00 PM CST
Dial in: 1.619.326.2730
Passcode: 5216533#