Rest in God alone, my soul, for my hope comes from Him. (Psalm 62:5 CSB)
Are you resting in God alone during this season? The holidays, what should be a sweet time of rest with family, has turned into a chaotic and busy whirlwind. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We and our parent company, DaySpring, want to encourage you to rest in God alone during a season that is truly all about Him. We know that it’s difficult to remember at times, because we’re in the thick of it ourselves, but we want to walk alongside you and encourage you through it all. Below, some of us have shared how we’re intentionally choosing to be still and rest in the Lord alone this holiday season.
Be still…feels near to impossible. But, just because something “feels” one way doesn’t make it true. My Thanksgiving is busy. We usually host 40-50 people. A big party in the garage. Lots of food, family, and friends who are family. We invite everyone we can think of and yes, if you know someone who doesn’t have anywhere to go for dinner…send them our way! One way I work on being still in the midst of what can seem somewhat crazy and chaotic, is prayer. No big plan or large amount of time needed. I just pray over the guest list. I open up evite on my phone and read through the names, saying short breath prayers about each person or even just saying their names out loud to God. That’s the amazing thing about prayer…God already knows. It’s a very small, but I think, significant way to be still, be grateful, and focus on others throughout the holiday season. – Joy
I’m moving into a new house the week after Thanksgiving, and I just got a brand new puppy – exciting life changes that seem to be doing anything but allowing me to be still during this season. One way that my family intentionally slows down during the holidays is our Thanksgiving tradition of gratitude. We all take turns writing in a notebook (the same one we’ve been using since the year my parents got married) with the year, some life updates, and what we’re grateful for that year. It allows us to slow down, remember what’s truly important, and thank God for the tremendous blessings He’s given us. – Jordan
Our family plans to take advantage of the timing of Christmas Day this year. It sits right in the middle of the week. With the dynamic of days before and after Christmas available for travel, we are excited that this helps to create space for us to be still. We expect to keep Christmas Eve much calmer, somber and focused on the coming Savior – and spend Christmas Day in full celebration! I am looking forward to that holy and sacred Christmas Eve space, to allow us to better experience the fulfillment of all our Advent hopes and expectations. – Tony
A couple of years ago I made a declaration – no big Christmas dinner. Why? Don’t I like to cook? Yes, I love to cook. Don’t I want the Norman Rockwell dinner scene? I would love that, but it’s not possible. Why did I cancel the big Christmas dinner? Simply because I want to play. I want to play all day with my grandchildren. I want to set up their dollhouse and Paw Patrol tower and play. I want curl upon on the couch with them and watch movies in our jammies all day. I want to drink coffee and snuggle. I don’t want to watch the rolls so they don’t burn, or slice the turkey or get the lumps out of the gravy. No big Christmas dinner. On Christmas morning I set out the stockings, pop in a breakfast casserole (the make-ahead kind) and my friends at Pillsbury provide the cinnamon rolls! Eat when you want, I’m busy playing. – Kim
As a full-time, working mother with two kids who are involved in so many after-school activities, it’s a hard season to try to “be still.” It just doesn’t happen. However, I always know that if I can get my family and the suitcases and the snacks and the iPads in the van, I’m all set for a relaxing Thanksgiving at my Mom’s house. She lives in the middle of nowhere (little-to-no reception available), she can’t wait to play with the kids, she makes my favorite dishes, she takes care of the details, and there’s no expectations – only love. I find myself scanning the room and thanking God for each and every family member. – Gini